(424) 419-3067 info@kfinanlaw.com

Child Support

Child support is the amount of money that a family law court will order one parent to pay the other parent with full, partial or, in some cases, even shared custody of a minor child in order to assist in the support of that child. In California, the parent of a child is required to financially assist in the raising of the child, regardless of whether that parent was ever married to the other parent or if that parent has ever supported the child in the past. The California courts will set child support based on a guideline calculator and other evidence presented by the parties. The courts will take into consideration the following factors in setting child support awards:

  • Each parent’s income
  • The time each parent spends with the children
  • The cost of living in the child’s community
  • The child’s needs and standard of living
  • Spousal or child support already being paid by the party
  • Health insurance costs
  • Child care costs

You can estimate the amount of child support that may be ordered in your case using The California Guideline Child Support Calculator. The amount actually awarded could fluctuate up or down based on the evidence presented by your attorney. Where the parents of the child were never married, or where the paternity of the child is in doubt, a mother seeking child support for a child may be required to prove paternity before a court will award support. It is important to remember that child support is generally required to be paid until the child turns 18, and sometimes longer. Child support may be subject to modification based on changes of circumstance, including both the needs of the child and the parent paying or receiving the support. Obtaining a modification can be difficult. Therefore, the financial stakes are very high for all involved as child support payments will continue for many years in most cases. Thus, it is important to work with experienced counsel to ensure your rights are honored under the law.

Working with A Child Support Attorney

We are happy to help parents negotiate a child support agreement that works for both parties. If a collaborative resolution is not possible, we are also able to guide parents through the child support litigation process.


Tips for Child Support

Child Support Guidelines: California law mandates the use of child support guidelines that calculate the amount of support based on a standard formula that takes into account the income of both parents, the number of children, and other factors.

Determining Child Support Amount: The amount of child support that will be ordered is calculated by using a computer program and a complex mathematical formula, called the Dissomaster in Los Angeles County, which takes into consideration both parents’ income, the number of children, time spent with the children, expenses for health, daycare, or extracurricular activities.

Administrative or Court Order: Child support for a child may be ordered by the court or by the local child support enforcement agency.

Shared Cost by both parents: Both parents have an equal obligation to support their child under California law. The amount of support ordered will depend on several factors, such as the income and expenses of both parents.

Extraordinary expenses: Child support payments may also include additional payments for extraordinary expenses such as child care expenses, medical expenses, and educational expenses.

Payment Options: Child support payments could be made to the other parent, to a local child support agency, direct deposit, or through wage garnishment.

Modification of Child Support Orders: Child support orders may be changed if there’s a significant change in the financial situation of the paying parent.

Legal Assistance: Seeking the assistance of an experienced family law attorney can be critical to getting an appropriate amount of child support and to ensure that child support orders are legally complied with.

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